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Make sure you have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors...

According to the law in Ontario, every home must have a working smoke alarm on every storey, including the basement and in each sleeping area. Current code stipulates that all new builds require detectors in the bedrooms, and need to be fitted with strobe lighting for the hearing impaired.

Smoke alarms should be tested every month and the batteries changed according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. Read and follow the manufacturer’s steps when installing the smoke alarms. A smoke alarm that is older than 10 years old should be replaced. There are some great detectors on the market now that offer both smoke and carbon monoxide detection and have 10-year lithium batteries.

Fines for not having the right fire detection equipment can be levied against you, not to mention the obvious safety concern, so ensure you have adequate detection equipment in your home.

Here are some pro tips:
  • If you’re planning to travel, test your detectors before you leave and upon your return.
  • Having a home watch professional do regular checks while you are away will ensure your peace of mind.

For more information on smoke alarms:

For more information on the Ontario Building Code:

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